By contributing or donating
genealogy materials to our library,
we can digitalize the records
and permanently preserve them.
You will also be making an
important contribution to
theresearch of traditional
Korean culture.
We appreciate any and
all support.
1) Jokbo (族譜, 족보)
, Jongbo (宗譜, 종보)
This is a record that contains the history and descendants of a clan, determined by the area of origin (bongwan (本貫, 본관))
2) Daedongbo (大同譜, 대동보), Daebo (大譜, 대보)
This is used to describe records that are essentially compilations of all group genealogies that have the same progenitor, yet may have split off at some point in time under another last name (seongsshi (姓氏, 성씨)). In other words, it is a combined record of several clans with different areas of origin (bongwan (本貫, 본관))
but the same progenitor (shijo (始祖, 시조))
3) Sebo (世譜, 세보), Seji (世誌, 세지)
This is used to describe the compilation of two or more family groups into one genealogy and is also referred to as dongbo (同譜, 동보) or hapbo (合譜, 합보).
4) Pabo (派譜, 파보)
This is a record that contains the names, government positions held, and wonderful deeds of the members of just one clan, starting with the shijo (始祖, 시조).
Sometimes the number of volumes in a pabo surpasses that of a jongbo. The pabo is added to according to the increase of posterity, and the titles are written
using not only the bongwan (本貫, 본관) and seongsshi (姓氏, 성씨)
, but the village where most people of the clan reside. However, the content and format is the same as jokbo.
For example : Pabo of the Yeonan Kims (延安金氏派譜, 연안김씨파보), Jwaranggong Pabo of the Gyeongju Yis (慶州李氏 左郞公派譜, 경주이씨 좌랑공파보), Hamgyeong Pasebo of the Sunchang Seols (淳昌薛氏 咸鏡派世譜, 순창설씨 함경파세보)
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5) Gaseungbo (家乘譜, 가승보)
This is a compilation of records in which you are the center and your direct line of ancestors and descendants' names and life achievements are recorded.
6) Gyebo (系譜, 계보)
This is also referred to as a pedigree or record of descendants and is a diagram of names that show blood relations. Sometimes the entire clan is included, and sometimes only parts.
7) Gabo (家譜, 가보), Gacheop (家牒, 가첩)
This does not refer to a compiled form or contents of genealogy, but rather refers to all genealogical records kept in one's home. |
8) Manseongbo (萬姓譜, 만성보)
This can also be referred to as the Genealogy Dictionary because it is a large collection of selected lines from all family names.
9) Other
Documents like Munbo (文譜, 문보), Sambanship Sebo (三班十世譜, 삼반십세보), Jinshino Sebo (縉紳五世譜, 진신오세보), and Hobo (號譜, 호보) are records of wise ancestors known as Daebang Segae Onhaengrok (帶方世家言行錄, 대방세가언행록). There are also records, such as the Ose Chungeuirok of the Boseong Seons (寶城宣氏五世忠義錄, 보성선씨세충의록) that document the loyalty, filial respect, firmness, and righteousness of ancestors as well as outstanding achievements or merits. Eunuchs of the royal court would also adopt descendants to preserve and continue their family line, such as in the Yangse Gyebo (養世系譜, 양세계보).